I saw a question box on an IG story and it read "Newborn advice?" Said Instagrammer is due with her first baby soon. There were so many thoughts and things I wanted to tell her that I figured I would just post those thoughts here.
1. Don't ask anyone and everyone for advice. Why? Because you will get so many different answers and opinions that it will make your head spin. You don't need that as a new mama. You need to focus on healing and on getting to know the little one in your arms. Mama, find yourself a few trusted experienced moms and go to them first. If what they suggest doesn't work then branch out.
2. Take a social media break. Thinking you have to keep up with the Joneses and seeing other mamas that might have "bounced back" before you, is not where your focus needs to be. You are hormonal and exhausted and thinking you should "do more" will not be beneficial.
3. Set boundaries. It is your family. It is ok to say you don't want visitors until you are ready for them.
4. Ask for help when you need it AND let people help. Asking is hard. Letting people help is even more hard. Know your limits. Delegate some responsibilities. Instacart some groceries. But let people do things for you within the boundaries that you've set. (See #3 👆)
5. Use the social media break time to dive into the Word. Those sleepless nights are going to catch up with you quickly and that's when Satan attacks--in the dark of night. Let me just tell you that the night was when I struggled the most. Stop the scroll and binge watching and turn on a podcast that will edify you and point you back to the One.
6. Rest. Yes, sleep when the baby sleeps. But you get tired of doing that after a while. So do something that makes you feel rested. Maybe it's getting up for a few minutes to load the dishwasher, reading a book, catching up on a show, journaling, etc.
7. Give. Yourself. Grace. You are figuring out a brand new, tiny human being. You are not going to figure it out in one night. Shocker, right? (Haha! 😂) Be patient with yourself. And be patient with your body. You grew a human! Think about that! Your body did something amazing. Be kind to it and to yourself.
Mama, it's a long road and probably a hard road. But as it's been said, "Hard is not the same thing as bad."
God bless you, Mama. 💖
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