I started thinking about this blog over 2 years ago. I had tried to blog for a while, but I was struggling with anxiety (still do) and my mind was never focused enough to keep going. This time, I feel like my mind is settled enough that I can keep going! And I'm excited to keep going!
When I sat down to think of a name for my blog, I got a little overwhelmed with all the IG handles and the seemingly "perfect" names. How the heck was I supposed to find a name for my blog? Seriously. What name could I think of that hadn't already been used?
So I kept thinking and praying. Then one day, I was looking out at all of the cedar trees on our property. Some are small and some could be a decent replacement for the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center. As I looked at them, the Lord brought to mind how the Temple was built from the cedars of Lebanon.
The cedars of Lebanon are world famous. They are the best of the best. They were used in the building of Solomon's palace and in the building of the Temple. There are 71 verses in the Old Testament that mention cedar or cedars.
Cedars are used to symbolize strength, stability, righteousness, grace, beauty, resilience, and purity.
This symbolism was what prompted me to come up with "Raising Mighty Cedars".
I am raising four boys, but I also wanted the name to be applicable to those with girls. The symbols the cedars represent are the same characteristics that I want to model and teach my boys as well as what I want them to look for in a future wife.
So that's why I named this blog "Raising Mighty Cedars".
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